Toby Fox Wikia

Synchronicity is a theme that plays at the beginning of EarthBound Halloween Hack and when Varik enters Sewers. It is a rip of the theme of same name from Brandish 2.

Toby Fox's commentary[]

The song it plays at the beginning and when you go into the sewers. Although you would never know it, this song is a direct rip of "Synchronicity" from Brandish 2, which is a fantastic song. It took forever to get just perfect, I think it's the longest song it took me to compose because it had a lot of bugs when played in the actual game and plus if you didn't realize it's actually a minute and thirty seconds long... hahaha! I don't like my own arrangement too much (it's okay, good for EB I guess) but I love the game it comes from and its music so it's fine. Sort of another themesong for the game for me.

EarthBound Halloween Hack Soundtrack
Game OverFile SelectDark OnettTwoson Love ThemeSynchronicityTechno Boss BattleDead OnettThe IdMegalovania